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Todays birthday cars:
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VIN E53F001004

Car Year: 1953
Car's approximate birthday: July 6, 1953
Owner: Fred Rinke
City: Centerline
State: Michigan
Country: United States
Purchase date: 01/01/1973
Status: Current Owner
State: Unknown
Exterior: Unknown
Interior: Unknown
Softtop: Unknown
Wheels: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  02934 Base Engine 235ci "Blue Flame" 150hp (150hp) 100.00% 3,498.00
  Total   100.000000000000000%
(300 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
email from John Amgwert, a 1953 Corvette owner stating: I now don't believe it was;originally owned by the DuPont family; as stated in the registry... my data shows it was originally delivered to Mr. J. Spencer Weed, then head of the Grand Union grocery company in Wayne, New Jersey. Mr. Weed was well-acquainted with Marion DuPont-Scott (wife of actor Randolph Scott) as both were involved in breeding jumping horses.

The car was delivered new to to Mr. Weed at a dealership in Wilmington, Delaware, in July of 1953, along with cars #005 & #006 (the first cars delivered). I believe Mr. Weed resided in the New York/New Jersey area. "

Another previous owner Grant Miller, p/o Daily News + Sun, Springfield, OH is mentioned in an old registry of Dr. John Mansell (40+ years old list, a special thanks goes out to Don Wenrick for contributing this list!!!)

Other previous owners Fred Rinke in Michigan (1973), Du Pont family (Marion and Randolf)

For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 2066

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