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VIN E53F001060

Car Year: 1953
Car's approximate birthday: October 6, 1953
Owner: Fred Neff
City: Edina
State: Minnesota
Purchase date: 04/00/1973
Status: Current Owner
State: Restored
Exterior: Polo White (100.00%)
Interior: Red (100.00%)
Softtop: Black (100.00%)
Wheels: Other Color
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  02934 Base Engine 235ci "Blue Flame" 150hp (150hp) 100.00% 3,498.00
  101A Heater 100.00% 91.40
  101B AM Radio 100.00% 145.15
  Total   100.000000000000000%
(300 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Engine details: Original engine with the full McCulloch factory prototype supercharger installation. In excellent operating condition; regularly driven throughout the summer months.
Other details: The car has all of the stock factory equipment including the owners manual, side curtains & soft top. It also has accessories such as an original Model Builders clear bubble top, hand held chrome spot light, Chevrolet tool kit, fire extinguisher & sales literature.
Car history:
Supercharged. St. Paul, MN (as of 1974). Update: owned by Fred. L. Neff of Bloomington, MN (per Noland Adams). Body off restoration. A previous owner: Jean and Ed Thiebaud. Listed on "The 1953 Corvette Honor Roll", a 1969 "Corvette News" survey (Jean and Ed Thiebaud).

Dave Ferguson, former NCRS judging team leader & former owner of supercharged 1024, visited 1060 in 2006 & said in a National Corvette Restorer article, I was impressed at the beautiful and authentic condition of the car. The exterior body showed no sign of ever having even the slightest damage to the body or work done to it. The original cloth of the fiberglass was an example of the car's high state of originality. The exterior paint was correctly repainted being careful to maintain the type, color and luster of paint for a 1953 Corvette. Bodywork was a originally delivered with appropriate fit, finishes, and rough spots.... The supercharged system's installation in Fred's car appeared identical to the one I found on my own car. It was clear that these cars were done by the same entity. National Corvette Restorer, Vol. 36, No. 3, Winter 2010, page 9.
For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 1951

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