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Todays birthday cars:
68 years old
67 years old
66 years old
64 years old
63 years old
62 years old

VIN E53F001125

Car Year: 1953
Car's approximate birthday: October 21, 1953
Owner: No Present Owner
State: Unknown
Exterior: Unknown
Interior: Unknown
Softtop: Unknown
Wheels: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  02934 Base Engine 235ci "Blue Flame" 150hp (150hp) 100.00% 3,498.00
  Total   100.000000000000000%
(300 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
The Corvette Action Center received the following email from the original owner of #125. He states: For years I have searched for my old 53 Vette #125. I would love to share all the data I have on this wonderful old car and it's adventures. If possible, keep my name on file in the event #125 ever turns up. I traded it in on a White 57 Ford Convertible at Oak Park Ford in Oak Park, Illinois. What was I thinking? Keep me on your list. I have newspaper clippings, trophies and the original bill of sale for the present owner.

7-18-2002: The Corvette Action Center received the following email: "1953 Corvette #125 is owned by Lee Johnson and is on display at LEE JOHNSON CHEVROLET in Kirkland, WA. It was originally restored in the mid 1980's and then was just repainted here last month with new carpet as well. The original engine is missing however. The car looks nice but it is not 100%."

For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 1782

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