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VIN E53F001014

Car Year: 1953
Car's approximate birthday: August 4, 1953
Owner: Corvette Mike
City: Anaheim
State: California
Country: United States
Purchase date: 01/02/2003
Status: Current Owner
State: Unknown
Exterior: Unknown
Interior: Unknown
Softtop: Unknown
Wheels: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  02934 Base Engine 235ci "Blue Flame" 150hp (150hp) 100.00% 3,498.00
  Total   100.000000000000000%
(300 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
White with Red, car #14, rumored to be the first Corvette to be released to the Public for Sale, all restored, As of 7-15-02, it was up for auction on EBAY by Corvette Mike. The auction states: "The car listed for this sale is vin number E53F 001014 which makes it the 14th 1953 Corvette built. Corvettes 1 and 2 are presumed to be destroyed. 3-13 were given to high level General Motors corporate executives like the Dupont's, and or used for styling, testing and the Motorama. It was delivered new to General Donald Yates in Washington DC. There is a newspaper clipping stating this is the first new Corvette delivered with a photo in front of the Chevrolet dealership. There is also other assorted write ups over the years about the car. Also included is the NCRS Top FLight award it received from the early 1980's just after its restoration. Note the early style hub caps with the spinners perpendicular to the emblem."

11/12/02: Another past owner: Jim Stanford of Sarasota, FL.
Engine: LAY341013

The hub caps with the perpendicular wheel spinners were on the car when delivered to the customer at the dealership based upon a photograph.

Original owner: General Donald Yates

For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 2066

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