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VIN E53F001297

Car Year: 1953
Car's approximate birthday: December 23, 1953
Owner: Michael Ebay: collectordreamers
City: Tucson
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Purchase date: Undefined
Status: Current Owner
State: Project Car
Exterior: Other Color
Interior: Other Color
Softtop: Other Color
Wheels: Other Color
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  02934 Base Engine 235ci "Blue Flame" 150hp (150hp) 100.00% 3,498.00
  Total   100.000000000000000%
(300 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
1953 Corvette #297. This 1953 Corvette was built December 24th, 1953. I have had the car in my collection for many years with plans to eventually restore the car. I have come to the realization at this point in my life to slow down and retire. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a rare 1953 Corvette which as you know was the first Corvette and the first American production sports car. This is truly automotive history. After chasing down rumors of this car I finally discovered it many years ago! The car has never been apart. It is absolutely rust free and as far as I was able to surmise is that it has been in Arizona since 1959. It has a incorrect block, however the car comes with two excellent blocks. One block is casting #3701481, G 15 3. The second block is casted #3835911, L 1 3. The cylinder head and valve cover are incorrect and correct reproduction heads and valve covers are available and I will place the new owner in touch with the source. The original hub caps are with the car. The car is otherwise absolutely complete and original and maintains all of its original fiberglass body panels. There is no frame damage or accidents and is simply amazing! There is only one damaged area on the lower (below bumper) right side. This was damaged when unloading from a car trailer when I first acquired the car. It is a simple repair. The 1953 Corvette is a blue chip investment and restoration costs are at bargain pricing in our present economy. $88,000. 32,627 miles. June 24, 2010.
For Sale: No

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