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Todays birthday cars:
70 years old
67 years old
66 years old
65 years old
64 years old
63 years old
62 years old

VIN 20867S103013

Car Year: 1962
Car's approximate birthday: November 20, 1961
Owner: Roger Kuske
City: San Diego
State: California
Country: United States
Purchase date: Undefined
Status: Current Owner
State: Duntov
Exterior: Honduras Maroon
Interior: Black
Softtop: White (45.59%)
Wheels: Black
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  0867 Base Corvette (FI 360hp) 100.00% 4,038.00
  102 AM Radio 89.99% 137.75
  1832 Whitewall Tires 6.70x15 100.00% 31.55
  426 Power Windows 6.85% 59.20
  582 327ci 360hp Engine - Fuel Injection 13.20% 484.20
  675 Positraction Rear Axle 97.94% 43.05
  Total   0.005951914991260%
(1 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:
For sale via e-Bay:

1962 Corvette Fuelie - Zora Duntov Signed
You are bidding on a totally correct all numbers matching throughout body off frame restored 1962 fuel injected Honduras Maroon Zora Duntov signed and awarded Corvette Roadster. This rolling masterpiece of automotive history is without a doubt a collectors dream to behold. Its an investment that is sure to rapidly appreciate in the coming years and one you are sure to be proud of making your crown jewel in defining your muscle car collection.

This 62 fuelie was in the hands of it?s prior owner since 1971 and did not change owners until last fall. It?s present condition is as follows: The prior longtime owner decided to treat this 62 to a complete, highest level of quality body off frame restoration which took nearly half a decade to complete. It was a total labor of love with untold countless man hours of time spent making it arguably the best 62 fuelie in the USA. Evidence of this is backed by Zora Duntov?s award and his signing of the engine bay. It?s an honor that few Corvettes have received and collectors know it means the world to the future appreciating value of this world class investment.

Exterior: The paint and body of this 62 is nothing short of amazing, it just takes your breath away and hold on to your body because your knees will buckle causing you to fall. This is as good as it gets pleasing the fussiest Corvette connoisseur.

Interior: Is just perfect and is highly detailed as you would expect.

Undercarriage: Is completely detailed and show ready.
Let?s talk about the significance and importance of the 1962 Corvette. 62 was the first year for the 327 C1 V-8 legendary engine. It is also the last year produced of a 2 year unique body design with the 50?s gorgeous style nose and the classic mid year rear end enhanced by having a trunk! It?s the best of both worlds. In 63 the external trunk was eliminated from Corvettes. Its also the last year of the solid rear axel. Hence it is the end of the solid axel Corvette era and onto the new mid-year design.

The total production for the 62 Corvette was only 14,531 total units produced. Only a handful were ordered with the most desired collector?s option the ?High Horsepower (360HP)? Fuel injection option and because of the rarity of this option, and its no secret anymore, that collectors are battling it out to get early Fuel-Injection Corvettes and they are fetching the absolute record prices at the top auction houses in the world today. This is your chance to own one and put the best dollar for dollar muscle car investment in your garage. Don?t miss out on this one.

Personal Note: This is one of the finest 62 fuelies in existence with Zora Duntov?s signature of approval. Its been only in a few collectors hands its entire pampered life and is just an exceptional example of the rarest of the rare, a 62 Fuel Injected Correct, highly detailed Corvette Roadster. There are no disappointments here so please bid with the utmost and total confidence. Thank you for your interest.
For Sale: No

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